A Mug of Me
Stiffer than a Shot of Espresso

100 Things I'm Thankful For. �Part I

100 Things I'm Thankful For. �

1. My family.

2. My country.

3. My parents

4. Carlos


6.My friends.

7. Mary

8. Music

9. PBS

10. movies

11.My journals.

12. The wonderful friends I've made in D-land

13. Molly.

14. My apartment.

15. Reruns of Law & Order...all the shows...

16. Cookies

17. A vivid imagination.

18. Peter

19. Jake

20. Teaching

21. Vacations

22. Jack Daniels

23. hot couple showers

24. Starrburst

25. Having learned the power of interest

26. A comfy bed.

27. laughter

28. Being able to find humor in great pain.

29.� Intellegance.

30. Morals

31. Strength

32. A nice salmon steak when I'm craving one.

33. My little neices and nephew.

34. Learning 3 new things every single day.

35. my abuela

36. My voodoo doll

37. My MACs

38. Knowing that there are people who are watching out for me.

39. Ice cream.

40.� online shopping

41. fellow teachers


43. flickr.com and my friends there

44. csi.

45. sam adams

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