A Mug of Me
Stiffer than a Shot of Espresso

back at work

ugh, i'm sitting here and all i want is to be back in bed, asleep. at least my kids have been good this morning. i have them reading quietly which is no easy task in itself. especially when you visit some of their other classes or just walk by them.

docgirl called last night as i was passing out. i had left a message on her voicemail because i hadn't gotten enough sympathy from her cousin blonde. i mean i'm sick, damnit! feel sorry for me! blonde gave all of five seconds. but docgirl gave me a lot more. even ask if i felt it. um, yeah, i guess. kinda cute. she's younger too. not as young as panther, godforbid! no more decade younger women for me. that's way leads nothing good. but still she's just a third year. a student. what is with the universe?! am i it's buttboy now?


shake it off, i know. can't just think that she'll act like panther. yeah, be positive when the world is burning around me. yippe!

sorry. sorry. switch gears. i'm going to rework my teacher website for my interviews this spring. that will eat up lots of time. also i found internet provider has tons of webspace for me so i'll put a more personal one on their with the naughty bits i can't put here and dare not put on my teacher site.

i may post some of my stories from college and poems of the last ten years. we'll see. i guess i've got nothing to loose any more.

later gators...

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