A Mug of Me
Stiffer than a Shot of Espresso

a small cup of me

it's 3am, do you know where youre ex is? how does it matter? some tell me. for now distractions continue....

More Cups of Me

i work crossword puzzles.

i am sometimes more perceptive than i would like to be.

i am fiercely loyal. sometimes, stupidly so.

i never play dumb. never.

i am way too hard on myself.

i sometimes cross that fine line between assertive and aggressive.

i am not afraid to tell people that i love them.

i am pro-choice.

i am pro-adoption.

i know a little bit about alot of things.

i am capable of being really mean and nasty, but i fight it. hard.

i have been known to hold a grudge.

i am lousy at forgiving myself.

i am a bargain shopper. to the point of obsession.

i am 32 flavors. and then some. all tasty

Listening to: to my pain

Reading: the dark

Feeling: left behind

2:36 a.m. ::
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